Satarah Lewis

Satarah is a member of the Haliwa-Saponi and Lumbee Tribes of North Carolina. She has been an inspirational artist for several years. Satarah has dedicated her love for art through apparel, tattoos, graphic design, beadwork and much more. She has three beautiful children and enjoys spending time on the Powwow Trail with her family and friends. Check out some of her latest artwork below!

Tradition Addiction

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I submit my artwork to be featured?

Yes, you can submit your artwork by filling out the Google Form here:

Will I be commissioned for my work?

Yes, you will be commissioned a percentage of sales based solely on your designs.

Can I submit artwork for my Tribe?


  • First, you must first submit the artwork for our approval.
  • Next, we will need written consent provided from your Tribe or Tribal Organization to feature their name/organization on our webpage.

Can I be featured in the "Meet the Artist Column?"

Absolutely! We want everyone who submits their artwork and has been approved to be featured on our webpage!